Here we are, 10 years old.

10 years, with over 60 employees, incredible partners, and a strong network of technicians achieving our mission together. How does that classic saying go again; another year older, another year wiser?

Reflecting on the highs and lows of the last 10 years, as a company we feel confidently more experienced than we were after year 1, and seemingly more after years 8-9 (thank you COVID-19). From starting in the audio visual industry and growing into the healthcare and digital spaces, older and wiser may just be true… but what about being happier too?

Well, there are three formal definitions of the word “happy” to consider. The first is “feeling or sharing pleasure or contentment”, the second as “willing to do something”, and the third being “fortunate and convenient”. For the sake of our 10 year anniversary (or birthday, either way it’s cause for a celebration), let’s put some Snap context behind our rationale.

Our mission is to provide peace of mind for our partners by providing nationwide turnkey installation solutions. In other words, our goal is truly to make our partners and technicians worry less.

As we look at these definitions, we’ll assume based on our mission:
– If there is less worry, there must be more contentment.
– If we are seeking to provide, we must be willing to do something.
– If we put our partners at ease, we must be making nationwide services more convenient.

So, are we happier at 10 years old? When associating with our mission, we seem to check all of the boxes… but what about the other contributing factors to happiness not mentioned. Experiencing growth? Having fun? Building partnerships? Feeling valued?

Thanks to the commitment of our employees, partners & technicians over the past 10 years, we can absolutely check those boxes too. We feel immense happiness for this milestone as an organization, with an incredible team of passionate people working together to stimulate mutual success.

Cheers to the next 10 years!

Snap Install, Inc.