The COVID-19 pandemic kicked off the reshaping of global work practices, with its onset prompting companies to transition swiftly toward remote and hybrid office setups. The priority to provide flexible work environments has continued since, in an effort to improve the quick fix solutions that were put into place during the time when supply chains were disrupted and resources were expensive. Given the ever-evolving nature of AV technology, more sustainable and less complicated solutions are now being implemented. While it’s unpleasant to reflect on many aspects of the pandemic, it’s impressive to consider the evolution of efficiency for the modern workplace.

Many of the quick fix solutions available in 2020 included laptops and collaboration tools like Zoom to ensure virtual communication reflected connecting in person. The investment into these tools was made with the assumption that all were connecting from individual locations because of safety protocols at that time. This initial action paved the way toward remote work feeling like the new normal, and showcased a new advantage for businesses that were able to adapt without affecting their operations.

Remote collaboration tools have continued to evolve since, with a focus on “all-in-one” technology that allows businesses to continue their flexible work practices without all the hassle. Conference rooms are being transformed into remote collaboration rooms with the addition of speakers and improved video capabilities. By incorporating these innovative solutions, companies are fostering a more interconnected and productive work environment.

The modern workplace is one that provides seamless connectivity regardless of location. Companies that are investing in the continued evolution of their collaboration tools are in turn, investing in the productivity and satisfaction of their employees. It’s important to consider the tools and partners required to build a sustainable solution, while keeping it simple as the evolution continues.