The Challenge

Nationwide brand transitions can pose significant logistic and uniformity issues. Over the course of 3 days, Snap successfully transformed static signage for a specific bank retailer across multiple states at 280+ locations to support their new ownership. The signage ranged from standard kiosks and state compliance signs, to desktop fixtures and banners.

The service was to take place after bank hours during a weekend, to prioritize both customer safety and experience. 

Case Studies & Misc.

Our Solution

With a focus on consistent execution at each branch location within the designated timeframe, Snap's team of project managers deployed our on-site technicians in phases. As with most after hours service, the most frequent issue stems from accessibility. Our team navigated through the 3 days to complete on time and within budget.

The power of our field service technology allowed for route optimization and real-time information transmission throughout the entirety of the rollout. 
